public invitee
public invitee 公众受邀请人 指作为公众的一员被邀请进入或停留在向公众开放的地方的人,物业所有人应尽一般注意义务保证受邀请人的安全。 (→business invitee; invitee)
public invitee 公众受邀请人 指作为公众的一员被邀请进入或停留在向公众开放的地方的人,物业所有人应尽一般注意义务保证受邀请人的安全。 (→business invitee; invitee)
An invitee who is invited to enter and remain on property for a purpose for which the property is held open to the public. [Cases: Negligence 1037(5).]
invitee (in-vI-tee). A person who has an express or implied invitation to enter or use another’s premises, such as a business visitor or a member of the public to whom the premises are held open. • The occupier has a duty to inspect the premises and to warn the invitee of dangerous conditions. — Also
invitee n. 受邀者;被邀请者 下述情形为受邀进入他人土地:1受明示或默示邀请而进入;2进入与所有者的营业相关或与所有者的活动或其允许的活动相关;3进入者与土地所有者之间存在共同利益,即进入对进入者及所有者双方或所有者一方有利。
business visitor. 1. Torts. A person who is invited or permitted to enter or remain on another’s land for a purpose directly or indirectly connected with the landowner’s or possessor’s business dealings. — Also termed business invitee; business guest. See INVITEE. 2. Immigration law. A non-U.S. citizen who has a B–1 visa, which allows the
licensee. 1. One to whom a license is granted. 2. One who has permission to enter or use another’s premises, but only for one’s own purposes and not for the occupier’s benefit. • The occupier has a duty to warn the licensee of any dangerous conditions known to the occupier but unknown to the licensee.
inviter. One who expressly or impliedly invites another onto the premises for business purposes. — Also spelled invitor. Cf. INVITEE.
bare licensee 被许可进入者 该人进入他人不动产应当被容忍,但并不必然是经同意的。例如走近路而穿越他人土地者。它既不同于受到明示或默示邀请而进入他人不动产的「被邀请人」〔invitee〕,也不同于法律所禁止的「侵入人」〔trespasser〕。在普通法上,不动产占有人只就其已经意识到的该不动产的隐蔽危险而负有通知该被许可进入者的义务。英国1957年《不动产占有人责任法》〔Occupiers’ Liability Act〕则将被许可进入者与被邀请人置于同一地位,不动产占有人对其均负有一般注意义务。该词亦作「mere licensee」或「naked licensee」。
mutual advantage rule 相互受益规则 这一规则用于确认特定情形下当事人的身份,即在使用他人之物时,如果所有权人从该使用中受益,则使用人为受邀使用人〔invitee〕;如果所有权人未从中受益,则使用人为被许可使用人〔licensee〕。
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