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blank form

blank form. Copyright. A form, usu. one for record-keeping and business purposes, that does not convey information until it has been filled in. • Blank forms are not eligible for copyright protection. — Also termed business form. See BLANK-FORMS RULE.

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patent misuse doctrine

patent-misuse doctrine. An equitable rule that a patentee should not be allowed to use a patent to effectively broaden the scope of the patentee’s monopoly in restraint of trade or otherwise against the public interest. • Two common examples of anticompetitive broadening are (1) using a patent to restrain competition from an unpatented product or

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rulers of England

rulers of England 历代英王英王在位年限〔British Regnal Years〕 盎格鲁-撒克逊王朝〔Saxon Line〕埃伯格〔Egbert〕802-839;埃塞尔夫〔Ethelwulf〕839-857;埃塞巴德〔Ethelbald〕857-860;埃赛伯特〔Ethelbert〕860-866;埃塞尔雷德一世〔Ethelred Ⅰ〕866-871;阿尔弗列德大帝〔Alfred the Great〕871-899;长者爱德华〔Adward Ⅰ the Elder〕899-924;埃塞斯坦〔Ethelstan〕924-940;埃德蒙一世〔Edmund Ⅰ〕940-946;埃德列德〔Edred〕946-955;埃德威〔Edwy〕955-959;埃德加〔Edgar〕959-975;殉教者爱德华〔Edward Ⅱ the Martyr〕975-978;无策者埃塞尔雷德二世〔Ethelred Ⅱ the Unready〕978-1016;刚勇者埃德蒙〔Edmund Ⅱ Ironside〕1016。 丹麦王朝〔Danish Line〕克努特〔Canute/Cnut〕1016-1035;哈罗德一世〔Harold〕1035-1040;哈特克内特〔Hardicanute/Harthacnut〕1040-1042。 撒克逊王朝〔Saxon Line〕忏悔者(笃信者)爱德华〔Edward the Confessor〕1042-1066;哈罗德二世〔Harold Ⅱ〕1066。 诺曼底王朝〔House of Normandy〕征服者威廉一世〔William Ⅰ the Conqueror〕1066.10.14-1087.9.9;威廉二世〔William Ⅱ〕1087926-110082;亨利一世〔Henry Ⅰ〕110085-1135121;斯蒂芬〔Stephen〕11351226-11541025。 金雀花(安茹)王朝〔House of Plantagenet〕亨利二世〔Henry Ⅱ〕11541219-118976;狮心王理查一世〔Richard Ⅰ〕1189923-119946;无地者约翰〔John Lackland〕1199.5.27-1216.10.19; 亨利三世〔Henry Ⅲ〕12161028-12721116;爱德华一世〔Edward Ⅰ〕12721120-130777;爱德华二世〔Edward Ⅱ〕130778-1327125;爱德华三世〔Edward Ⅲ〕1327125-1377621;理查二世〔Richard Ⅱ〕1377622-1399930。 兰开斯特王室〔House of Lancaster〕亨利四世〔Henry Ⅳ〕1399930-1413320;亨利五世〔Henry Ⅴ〕1413321-1422831;亨利六世〔Henry

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facile (fas-[schwa]l), adj. Scots law. (Of a mentally deficient person) so susceptible to outside influence as to need legal protection (such as a guardian).

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