Search Results for: TEC

denial of justice

denial of justice. Int’l law. A defect in a country’s organization of courts or administration of justice, resulting in the country’s violating its international legal duties to protect aliens. • A denial of justice is a wrongful act under international law. — Also termed justitia denegata; déni de justice; refus de justice.

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Food Choking Law

Food Choking Law 〈美〉《噎食法》 首先由纽约市在1978年3月公布,其后为各地倣傚。目的在于缓解每年因吃饭时噎食而致五千人死亡的问题。该法要求餐馆等处张贴海姆利克氏手法〔Heimlick technique〕的图片。该手法是指在哽噎者的上腹部迅速向上施压以将异物压出气管。

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whistleblower act

whistleblower act. A federal or state law protecting employees from retaliation for disclosing employer wrong-doing, as during an investigation by a regulatory agency. • Federal laws containing whistleblower provisions include the Whistleblower Protection Act (5 USCA § 1211), the Occupational Safety and Health Act (29 USCA § 660), CERCLA (42 USCA § 9610), and the

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board of trade

board of trade. 1. A federation of business executives dedicated to advancing and protecting business interests. 2. An organization that runs a commodities exchange. See CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. [Cases: Commodity Futures Trading Regulation 6. C.J.S. Securities Regulation § 455.] 3. Hist. The Lords of the Committee of the Privy Council that had jurisdiction over

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