Search Results for: TEC

apex juris

apex juris (ay-peks joor-is). [Latin “summit of law”] An extreme point or subtlety of law, such as a merely technical objection in pleading or an extreme interpretation of a doctrine. Cf. APICES LITIGANDI.

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world intellectual property organization

World Intellectual Property Organization. An agency of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization formed in 1967 to (1) promote intellectual-property protection worldwide through cooperation among nations, and (2) administer multilateral treaties dealing with legal and administrative aspects of intellectual property. • The organization’s headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland. — Abbr. WIPO.

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entry, n. 1. The act, right, or privilege of entering real property (they were given entry into the stadium). forcible entry. See FORCIBLE ENTRY. lawful entry. 1. The entry onto real property by a person not in possession, under a claim or color of right, and without force or fraud. 2. The entry of premises

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know how

know-how. The information, practical knowledge, techniques, and skill required to achieve some practical end, esp. in industry or technology. • Know-how is considered intangible property in which rights may be bought and sold. See TRADE SECRET.

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digital millennium copyright act

Digital Millennium Copyright Act. A 1998 federal law harmonizing United States copyright protection with international law, limiting copyright liability for Internet service providers, and expanding software owners’ ability to copy programs. • Among many other provisions, the statute extends copyright protection to computer programs, movies, and other audiovisual works worldwide; attempts to regulate cyberspace; forbids

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libera lex

libera lex (lib-[schwa]r-[schwa] leks), n. [Latin “free law”] Hist. Free law; the law of the land. • This phrase referred to the law enjoyed by free and lawful men, as opposed to men who had lost the benefit and protection of the law as a result of committing crimes. See LIBERAM LEGEM AMITTERE.

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suggestive trademark

A trademark that suggests rather than describes the particular characteristics of a product, thus requiring a consumer to use imagination to draw a conclusion about the nature of the product. • A suggestive trademark is entitled to protection without proof of secondary meaning. — Also termed evocative trademark; suggestive mark; suggestive name. See SECONDARY MEANING.

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