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concerted activity

concerted activity. Labor law. Action by employees concerning wages or working conditions. • Concerted activity is protected by the National Labor Relations Act and cannot be used as a basis for disciplining or discharging an employee. [Cases: Labor Relations 281. C.J.S. Labor Relations §§ 263–264.] “Typical protected concerted activity involves union organizing, the discussion of […]

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internationalization. The act or process of bringing a territory of one country under the protection or control of another or of several countries. “[T]he concept of internationalization is characterized by three elements: the abolition or limitation of the sovereignty of a specific State; the serving of community interests or at least the interests of a

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inlaw, vb. Archaic. To place (an offender) under the protection of the law. Cf. OUTLAW(1). “The outlaw’s life is insecure…. If the king inlaws him, he comes back into the world like a new-born babe, quasi modo genius, capable indeed of acquiring new rights, but unable to assert any of those that he had before

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safe conduct

safe conduct. Int’l law. 1. A privilege granted by a belligerent allowing an enemy, a neutral, or some other person to travel within or through a designated area for a specified purpose. 2. A document conveying this privilege. — Sometimes written safe-conduct. — Also termed safeguard; passport. “Passports and safeguards, or safe conducts, are letters

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