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waive (wayv), n. Archaic. A woman who has by her conduct deprived herself of the protection of the law; a female outlaw. • The term “outlaw” usu. referred only to a male. See OUTLAW(1), (2). waive, vb. 1. To abandon, renounce, or surrender (a claim, privilege, right, etc.); to give up (a right or claim)

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federal crop insurance corporation

Federal Crop Insurance Corporation. A federally chartered corporation that protects farmers against financial losses from crop failure due to adverse weather conditions, insect infestation, plant disease, floods, fires, and earthquakes by encouraging the sale of insurance through licensed agents and brokers and by reinsuring private companies that issue insurance under brand names. • Created by

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nonfeasance (non-feez-[schwa]nts), n. The failure to act when a duty to act existed. Cf. MALFEASANCE; MISFEASANCE; FEASANCE. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 735; Negligence 200. C.J.S. Municipal Corporations §§ 668, 671–672, 682; Negligence §§ 5–13, 15–20, 33, 64.] — nonfeasant, adj. — nonfeasor, n. “Hence there arose very early a difference, still deeply rooted in the law

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robbery, n. The illegal taking of property from the person of another, or in the person’s presence, by violence or intimidation; aggravated larceny. • Robbery is usu. a felony, but some jurisdictions classify some robberies as high misdemeanors. — Also termed (in Latin) crimen roberiae. See LARCENY; THEFT. Cf. BURGLARY. [Cases: Robbery 1. C.J.S. Robbery

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