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nephew. 1. The son of a person’s brother or sister; sometimes understood to include the son of a person’s brother-in-law or sister-in-law. • This term is extended in some wills to include a grandnephew. Cf. NIECE. [Cases: Descent and Distribution 32. C.J.S. Descent and Distribution §§ 40–41.] half nephew. The son of one’s half brother […]

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transformative use

transformative use. Copyright. The use of copyrighted material in a manner, or for a purpose, that differs from the original use in such a way that the expression, meaning, or message is essentially new. • The term was coined by Judge Pierre N. Leval in a 1990 law-review article entitled Toward a Fair Use Standard,

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Remembrancer n. 〈英〉财务纪事官;事务员 财政署曾经有三种财务纪事官:王室财务纪事官〔Queen’s Remembrancer〕,财务大臣事务纪事官〔Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer〕和首年捐赠金事务官〔Remembrancer of the First Fruits〕。最后一种职位已于1838年被取消;财务大臣事务纪事官主要负责王室继承所得方面收入的征收,但它也于1833年被取消财务总卷保管〔Clerk of Pipe〕之职位的法律所取消,后者主要保存涉及上述收入之账目;王室财务纪事官主要负责征收应向王室缴纳的罚金、欠款等,保存涉及王室地产交易的文书,并在签署衡平法令状〔bill inequity〕方面也有一些职能。1859年的《王室财务纪事官法》〔Queen’s Remembrancer Act〕规定该职位不再作为独立的职位而存在,而转为财税法庭事务官〔Master of the Court of Exchequer〕;依1873年《司法组织法》〔Judicature Act〕,该职位附属于最高法院;依1879年的《司法(职位)法》〔Judicature (Officers) Act〕,它又转归最高法院中央办公室〔Central Office〕,成为最高法院事务官〔Master of the Supreme Court〕。王座分庭的事务主管〔Senior Master of the Queen’s Bench〕同时担任王室事务官〔Queen’s Remembrancer〕一职,但现在这一职位的责任主要在于选举郡长等其它事务。伦敦市事务官〔Remembrancer of the City of London〕的职责则主要是代表伦敦市参加一些礼仪活动。(→first fruits; bill in equity)

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escheat (es-cheet), n. 1. Hist. The reversion of land ownership back to the lord when the immediate tenant dies without heirs. See WRIT OF ESCHEAT. 2. Reversion of property (esp. real property) to the state upon the death of an owner who has neither a will nor any legal heirs. [Cases: Escheat 1–8. C.J.S. Escheat

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freeware. Software, esp. open-source code, that is made generally available with express or implicit permission for anyone to use, copy, modify, and distribute for any purpose, including financial gain. • The term “free” refers to usage rights rather than price — a distinction important in two respects. First, a user may purchase the initial copy

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secta facienda per illam quae habet eniciam partem

secta facienda per illam quae habet eniciam partem (sek-t[schwa] fay-shee-en-d[schwa] p[schwa]r il-[schwa]m kwee hay-b[schwa]t i-nish-ee-[schwa]m pahr-t[schwa]m), n. [Law Latin “suit to be performed by her who has the eldest part”] Hist. A writ ordering the eldest heir or coparcener to perform suit and services for all the coheirs or coparceners.

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de excusationibus

de excusationibus (dee ek-skyoo-zay-shee-oh-ni-b[schwa]s). [Latin “of excuses”] Roman law. The first title of the 27th book of the Digest, containing a person’s legal excuses from serving as tutor or curator. • It is primarily drawn from the Greek work of Herennius Modestinus. See DIGEST(2).

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