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field code

Field Code. The New York Code of Procedure of 1848, which was the first comprehensive Anglo-American code of civil procedure and served as a model for the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. • It was drafted by David Dudley Field (1805–1894), a major law-reformer. See code pleading under PLEADING (2).

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procurator (prok-y[schwa]-ray-t[schwa]r), n. 1. Roman law. A person informally appointed to represent another in a judicial proceeding; PROCURATOR LITIS. Cf. COGNITOR. 2. Roman law. A government official, usu. subordinate in authority to a provincial governor; one of several imperial officers of the Roman Empire entrusted with the management of the financial affairs of the province

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House of Commons

House of Commons 〈英〉下议院;下院;平民院 英国两院制立法机构中,由选举产生的议院。虽为下院,但它实际上是两院中权力更大、作用更突出的议院。下议院源于13世纪,当时国王为满足自己的需要,从各郡召集两名骑士——之后是自治市〔borough〕的显要自由民(市民)——开会批准募征新的款项。1275年爱德华一世〔Edward I〕召开了他的「第一次大议会」〔first general Parliament〕,参加者不仅有国王的主要顾问即王国的伯爵〔earls〕、男爵〔barons〕和显要教土,而且有骑士、显要市民和普通市民。1325年以后国王定期召集各社区的代表或公社的代表(平民)前去开会。爱德华三世〔Edward Ⅲ〕统治时,为征收额外款项,他不得不定期召开议会,平民代表开始把款项的批准与纠正社会疾苦连接起来。14世纪,平民代表屡次有意与伯爵、男爵分庭开会,从而使议会最终发展为下议院〔House of Commons〕和上议院〔House of Lords〕。经过都铎王朝〔Tudors〕和斯图亚特王朝〔Stuart〕的发展,下议院逐步确立了其重要地位,尤其经过18世纪中后期扩大选民资格的改革,真正代表选民的下议院取得了两院中较高的地位。目前下议院共有650个议席,其中英格兰占523席,威尔士占38席、苏格兰72席、北爱尔兰有17席。下议院的职能主要有:1代表民意;2通过预算决议〔Budget resolutions〕和年度财政法案〔annual Finance Bill〕控制财政;3通过下列方法制定和控制政策:对女王的演说〔Queen’s Speech〕作出答覆;审议预算和统一基金法案〔Consolidated Fund Bills〕;提出实质性〔substantive〕动议和休会动议;向内阁提出质询;4讨论下列立法:公法案〔Public Bills〕,私法案〔Private Bills〕,委任立法;5通过特别委员会〔select committee〕监督行政机关。下议院审议和通过立法以历时已久的固定程序进行,包括:正式一读(提出法案时);二读,讨论并通过法案的基本原则;委员会阶段,法案被送至各个委员会——通常是常设委员会〔standing committee〕,有时是全院委员会〔Committee of the whole House〕详细讨论;报告阶段;对委员会所作的变动(及新的修正案)进行审议;三读,法案得到最终通过。下院随后还有可能考虑上院对该法案提出的修正案。

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contemporary community standards

contemporary community standards. The gauge by which a fact-finder decides whether material is obscene, judging by its patent offensiveness and its prurience in the locale at a given time. See OBSCENITY(1). [Cases: Obscenity 1. C.J.S. Obscenity §§ 1–8.] “Both pruriency and patent offensiveness are determined by ‘contemporary community standards.’ But what is the relevant community?

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questus est nobis

questus est nobis (kwes-t[schwa]s est noh-bis), n. [Law Latin “hath complained to us”] Hist. By 1287, a writ against someone who continued a nuisance that existed before inheritance or purchase. • The former law provided recovery only against the party who had first caused the nuisance.

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amish exception

Amish exception. An exemption of the Amish from compulsory-school-attendance laws under the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. • In Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205, 92 S.Ct. 1526 (1972), the Supreme Court held that Amish children could not be compelled to attend high school even though they were within the age range of

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