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detinue (det-i-nyoo or -noo). A common-law action to recover personal property wrongfully taken by another. Cf. REPLEVIN; TROVER. [Cases: Detinue 1. C.J.S. Detinue § 1.] “A claim in detinue lies at the suit of a person who has an immediate right to the possession of the goods against a person who is in actual possession

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son of sam law

Son-of-Sam law. A state statute that prohibits a convicted criminal from profiting by selling his or her story rights to a publisher or filmmaker. • State law usu. authorizes prosecutors to seize royalties from a convicted criminal and to place the money in an escrow account for the crime victim’s benefit. This type of law

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initial appearance

A criminal defendant’s first appearance in court to hear the charges read, to be advised of his or her rights, and to have bail determined. • The initial appearance is usu. required by statute to occur without undue delay. In a misdemeanor case, the initial appearance may be combined with the arraignment. See ARRAIGNMENT. [Cases:

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law latin

Law Latin. A corrupted form of Latin formerly used in law and legal documents, including judicial writs, royal charters, and private deeds. • It primarily consists of a mixture of Latin, French, and English words used in English sentence structures. — Abbr. L.L.; L. Lat. — Also written law Latin. “LAW LATIN. A technical kind

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tutor, n. 1. One who teaches; esp., a private instructor. Pl. tutors. 2. Roman & civil law. A guardian of a minor; a person appointed to have the care of the minor’s person and estate. • The guardian of a minor past the age of puberty is called a curator and has duties somewhat different

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