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drilling contract

Oil & gas. A well-drilling agreement between a drilling contractor, who owns drilling rigs and associated equipment, and the owner or lessor of the mineral rights. • The contract spells out the rights and duties of the parties. In general, the more control the interest-owner retains over the contractor, the more liability the owner is […]

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privy councillor

privy councillor 〈英〉枢密院成员 由国王任命的枢密院〔Privy Council〕组成人员,均为在政府、司法与宗教方面担任高级职务的人员,如内阁大臣、大主教、高等法院首席大法官、上诉法院法官、掌卷法官〔Master of the Rolls〕、总检察长等。目前共有约300名。

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exchequer bill

Exchequer bill. A bill of credit issued in England by the authority of Parliament; an instrument issued at the Exchequer, usu. under the authority of an act of Parliament passed for that specific purpose, containing an engagement on the part of the government to repay, with interest, the principal sums advanced.

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willfulness. 1. The fact or quality of acting purposely or by design; deliberateness; intention. • Willfulness does not necessarily imply malice, but it involves more than just knowledge. 2. The voluntary, intentional violation or disregard of a known legal duty. — Also termed legal willfulness. [Cases: Negligence 275. C.J.S. Negligence §§ 98–103, 106–113.]

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bill of middlesex

bill of Middlesex. Hist. A process by which the Court of the King’s Bench in Middlesex obtains jurisdiction over a defendant who resides in a county outside the Court’s jurisdiction, by alleging a fictitious trespass in a county over which the court has jurisdiction. • Once the sheriff returns the bill noting that the defendant

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