Search Results for: CONVENTIO


remission. 1. A cancellation or extinguishment of all or part of a financial obligation; a release of a debt or claim. [Cases: Release 1. C.J.S. Release §§ 2–3, 5–8, 19.] conventional remission. Civil law. A remission expressly granted to a debtor by a creditor having capacity to alienate. La. Civ. Code art. 1840. tacit remission.

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pact. An agreement between two or more parties; esp., an agreement (such as a treaty) between two or more nations or governmental entities. “Popular understanding notwithstanding, there is no legal difference between various kinds of international instruments because of the name they are given. In other words, ‘treaties,’ ‘pacts,’ ‘protocols,’ ‘conventions,’ ‘covenants,’ and ‘declarations’ are

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custom, n. 1. A practice that by its common adoption and long, unvarying habit has come to have the force of law. See USAGE. [Cases: Customs and Usages 1. C.J.S. Customs and Usages § 1.] — customary, adj. conventional custom. A custom that operates only indirectly through the medium of agreements, so that it is

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attribution right

attribution right. Copyright. A person’s right to be credited as a work’s author, to have one’s name appear in connection with a work, or to forbid the use of one’s name in connection with a work that the person did not create. • Attribution rights constitute one aspect of the moral rights recognized primarily in

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European Commission of Human Rights

European Commission of Human Rights 欧洲人权委员会 为实现《欧洲人权公约》〔European Convention on Human Rights〕所宣布的权利而设立的一个机构。由欧洲理事会〔Council of Europe〕的部长委员会选出的成员组成,每国一名,主要职责是根据请求处理有关违反公约的行为,并有权将有关案件提交欧洲人权法院。

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l’association litteraire et artistique internationale

L’Association Litteraire et Artistique Internationale. Copyright. An organization of authors, artists, and other supporters of international copyright protection. • In 1878, the Association drafted five resolutions that would become the starting point for the Berne Convention. In 1883, the organization called the first meeting in Berne, Switzerland for the purpose of creating a union to

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rome act

Rome Act. Copyright. A 1928 revision of the Berne Convention adding the moral rights of attribution and integrity to the minimum standards of protection that member nations must recognize, creating a compulsory license of recorded performances for radio broadcasting, and specifying that the term of protection for joint works must be measured from the death

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sequestration (see-kwes-tray-sh[schwa]n), n. 1. The process by which property is removed from the possessor pending the outcome of a dispute in which two or more parties contend for it. Cf. ATTACHMENT(1); GARNISHMENT. [Cases: Sequestration 1. C.J.S. Sequestration §§ 2–3, 5.] conventional sequestration. The parties’ voluntary deposit of the property at issue in a lawsuit. judicial

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