Search Results for: DISPUTE


war. 1. Hostile conflict by means of armed forces, carried on between nations, states, or rulers, or sometimes between parties within the same nation or state; a period of such conflict (the Gulf War). • A state of war may also exist without armed conflict; for example, the treaty formally ending the World War II […]

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express acceptance

A written or oral expression indicating that the drawee has seen the instrument and does not dispute its sufficiency. • While a written acceptance is typically signified by the stamped or written word “ac-cepted” or “presented,” usu. on the instrument itself, an oral acceptance must be made directly to a drawer or holder who has

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tolling agreement

tolling agreement. An agreement between a potential plaintiff and a potential defendant by which the defendant agrees to extend the statutory limitations period on the plaintiff’s claim, usu. so that both parties will have more time to resolve their dispute without litigation. [Cases: Limitation of Actions 14. C.J.S. Limitations of Actions § 25.]

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penalty clause

penalty clause. A contractual provision that assesses against a defaulting party an excessive monetary charge unrelated to actual harm. • Penalty clauses are generally unenforceable. — Often shortened to penalty. — Also termed penal clause. Cf. LIQUIDATED-DAMAGES CLAUSE; LIMITATION-OF-REMEDIES CLAUSE . [Cases: Damages 76, 80. C.J.S. Damages §§ 176, 185–187, 190–192, 194.] “It not infrequently

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privacy. The condition or state of being free from public attention to intrusion into or interference with one’s acts or decisions. autonomy privacy. An individual’s right to control his or her personal activities or intimate personal decisions without outside interference, observation, or intrusion. • If the individual’s interest in an activity or decision is fundamental,

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good offices

good offices. Int’l law. The involvement of one or more countries or an international organization in a dispute between other countries with the aim of contributing to its settlement or at least easing relations between the disputing countries.

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