Search Results for: CONVENTIO

copyright notice

copyright notice. A notice that a work is copyright-protected, usu. placed in each published copy of the work. • A copyright notice takes the form © (year of publication) (name of basic copyright owner). Since March 1, 1989, such a notice is not required for a copyright to be valid (although the notice continues to […]

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congress, n. 1. A formal meeting of delegates or representatives; CONVENTION (4). 2. (cap.) The legislative body of the federal government, created under U.S. Const. art. I, § 1 and consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. [Cases: United States 7. C.J.S. United States §§ 16–17.] — congressional, adj.

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slavery n. 奴隶制;蓄奴制 是指一种强制他人劳动并限制其行动自由的制度。奴隶制度与农奴制〔serfdom〕、苦役工制〔corvee labour;statute labor〕、包身工制〔contract labour〕及契约僱佣制相区别。奴隶制在自给自足的农耕社会较为普遍。奴隶的来源主要为战俘、绑架、刑罚以及生而为奴隶、债务、贩卖等。在古希腊与古罗马都建立了奴隶制,古希腊的奴隶无法律上的人格,可被当作财产处分。奴隶也可获释得到自由,但无市民身份,仍依赖其主人。在罗马,奴隶起初亦无法律权利,只是物,但最终获得法律上的人格,并可以从主人处获得财产。奴隶制在公元前2世纪及公元前1世纪在罗马达到顶峰。英国在1772年后禁止蓄奴,在1807年则禁止向英国的殖民地贩卖奴隶,在1833年全面废止所有殖民地的奴隶制。美国的奴隶制始于1619年的弗吉尼亚,随着南方棉花、烟草和蔗糖等种植园经济的发展,奴隶制在这些地区普遍采用。杰斐逊曾在草拟的《独立宣言》〔Declaration of Independence〕中谴责奴隶贸易,但未获通过。北部各州在1787年废除了蓄奴州。1861年南方蓄奴各州从联邦中分离,1863年林肯总统宣布叛乱地区的黑奴获得解放,1865年联邦宪法第十三条修正案正式废止了奴隶制。在现代,《联合国人权宣言》〔U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights〕及《欧洲人权公约》〔European Convention on Human Rights〕都反对奴隶制的存在。

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point of attachment

point of attachment. Copyright. A connection with a copyright-convention member nation sufficient to make a work eligible for protection under that convention. • For example, a work is eligible for Berne Convention protection if the author is a citizen of a Berne member nation or if the work originated in a Berne member nation. —

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innocent passage

Int’l law. The right of a foreign ship to pass through a country’s territorial waters; the right of a foreign vessel to travel through a country’s maritime belt without paying a toll. • The right of innocent passage is guaranteed in Article 17 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Passage

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all rights reserved

All rights reserved. Copyright. A phrase required as part of a valid copyright notice under the Buenos Aires Convention. • Because other international copyright treaties do not require the phrase, and all signatories to the Buenos Aires Convention are parties to other treaties, the phrase is now surplusage.

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canonical (k[schwa]-non-[schwa]-k[schwa]l), adj. 1. (Of a rule or decree) prescribed by, in conformity with, or relating to canon law. 2. Orthodox; conforming to accepted rules or conventions.

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international criminal police organization

International Criminal Police Organization. An international law-enforcement group founded in 1923 and headquartered in Lyons, France. • The organization gathers and shares information on transnational criminals for more than 180 member nations. — Also termed Interpol. “Interpol is something of a legal curiosity: it engages in intergovernmental activities and yet is not based on any

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notice of copyright

notice of copyright 版权声明 指在某一有版权作品公开发行的版本上所作的正式版权标记。在美国,版权声明的法律效力于1989年3月1日的前后存在重大差异。在此之前,版权声明是该作品受版权保护的必要条件;在此之后,亦即1988年《实施〈伯尔尼公约〉法》〔Berne Convention Implementation Act〕生效后,在书籍或录音制品上附加版权标记则不再作为保持有效版权的条件,但它仍受到当局的推荐和人们的重视,用以在诉讼时排除被告以不知作品享有版权为由主张减少损害赔偿金的抗辩。版权声明一般包括三个部分:1版权标记「」与文字「Copr.」或「Copyright」;2版权所有人的姓名或名称;3首次出版的年份。而在录音制品上的版权声明一般包括:1版权标记「○P 」;2录音制品版权所有人的名称;3首次出版的年份。

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