Search Results for: DISPUTE

federal mine safety and health review commission

Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission. An independent five-member commission that (1) monitors compliance with occupational safety and health standards in the nation’s surface and underground coal, metal, and nonmetal mines, and (2) adjudicates disputes that arise under the Federal Mine Safety and Health Amendments Act of 1977. • It was established in 1977.30 […]

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appraisement. 1. APPRAISAL. 2. An ADR method used for resolving the amount or extent of liability on a contract when the issue of liability itself is not in dispute. • Unlike arbitration, appraisement is not a quasi-judicial proceeding but instead an informal determination of the amount owed on a contract. [Cases: Arbitration 1. C.J.S. Arbitration

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norris–la guardia act

Norris–La Guardia Act (nor-is l[schwa]-gwahr-dee-[schwa]). A 1932 federal law that forbids federal courts from ruling on labor policy and that severely limits their power to issue injunctions in labor disputes. • The statute was passed to curb federal-court abuses of the injunctive process, to declare the government’s neutrality on labor policy, to curtail employers’ widespread

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formula. [Latin “set form of words”] 1. Roman law. A written document, prepared by a praetor and forwarded to a judex, identifying the issue to be tried and the judgment to be given by the judex. • It was based on model pleas formulated by the praetor in his edict and adapted by him or

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Spielberg doctrine

Labor law. The policy of the National Labor Relations Board to defer to an arbitrator’s decision regarding a contract dispute if (1) the decision is not repugnant to the National Labor Relations Board, (2) the arbitration proceedings provided a hearing as fair as would have been provided before the NLRB, and (3) the contract requires

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special committee

A committee established for a particular purpose or a limited time. • A legislature will ordinarily establish a special committee for a nonlegislative purpose, such as writing memorials, procuring chaplains, determining the qualifications of members, and settling election disputes. — Also termed ad hoc committee; select committee; temporary committee. [Cases: States 34. C.J.S. States §§

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imparl (im-pahrl), vb. 1. Hist. To request or obtain an imparlance. 2. To confer with the opposing party in an effort to settle a dispute amicably; to discuss settlement.

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caselaw. The law to be found in the collection of reported cases that form all or part of the body of law within a given jurisdiction. — Also written case law; caselaw. — Also termed decisional law; adjudicative law; juri-sprudence; organic law. “Case law in some form and to some extent is found wherever there

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