Search Results for: ILL

illegal alien

An alien who enters a country at the wrong time or place, eludes an examination by officials, obtains entry by fraud, or enters into a sham marriage to evade immigration laws. — Also termed undocumented alien. [Cases: Aliens 52–59. C.J.S. Aliens §§ 53, 70–71, 75, 77–82, 84–87, 92, 97–100, 102, 107, 109–111, 114, 116–134, 136,

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illegitimate child

A child who was not conceived or born in lawful wedlock, nor later legitimated. • At common law, such a child was considered the child of nobody (nullius filius) and had no name except one that was gained by reputation. Being no one’s child, an illegitimate child could not inherit, even from the mother, but

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