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pro rata clause

pro rata clause. An insurance-policy provision — usu. contained in the “other insurance” section of the policy — that limits the insurer’s liability to payment of the portion of the loss that the face amount of the policy bears to the total insurance available on the risk. — Also termed pro rata distribution clause. Cf. […]

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gross profit

Total sales revenue less the cost of the goods sold, no adjustment being made for additional expenses and taxes. Cf. net profit. [Cases: Internal Revenue 3175; Taxation 979, 996. C.J.S. Internal Revenue §§ 107–108, 110, 112; Taxation §§ 1732–1733.]

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supply, n. The amount of goods produced or available at a given price. aggregate supply. The total amount of goods and services generated in an economy during a specific period.

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depreciation (di-pree-shee-ay-sh[schwa]n), n. A decline in an asset’s value because of use, wear, or obsolescence. Cf. APPRECIATION; AMORTIZATION(2). — depreciate, vb. — depreciable, adj. accumulated depreciation. The total depreciation currently recorded on an asset. • On the balance sheet, an asset’s total cost less accumulated depreciation reflects the asset’s book value. — Also termed accrued

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apostasy ([schwa]-pos-t[schwa]-see). 1. Hist. A crime against religion consisting in the total renunciation of Christianity by one who had previously embraced it. 2. Eccles. law. Abandonment of religious vows without dispensation.

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capitalization, n. 1. The act or process of capitalizing or converting something into capital. 2. The amount or sum resulting from this act or process. 3. The total amount of long-term financing used by a business, including stocks, bonds, retained earnings, and other funds. 4. The total par value or stated value of the authorized

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communism. 1. A political doctrine, based on Marxism, advocating the abolition of capitalism by ground-roots revolution; specif., a social and political doctrine advocating the abolition of private ownership in favor of common ownership of the means of production and the goods produced, each person contributing as able and receiving as needed. Cf. CAPITALISM. 2. Totalitarian

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