Search Results for: DISPUTE

indian child welfare act

Indian Child Welfare Act. A federal act that governs child-custody proceedings — including foster-care placement, preadoptive placement, adoptive placement, and termination of parental rights — in cases involving a child of American Indian descent.25 USCA §§ 1911 et seq. • Congress enacted the Act to help protect the best interests of Indian children, to promote […]

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general average bond

Maritime law. A cargo owner’s bond exacted by a carrier to ensure that the owner will pay the general average contribution. • When the contribution amounts are disputed, the carrier requires this bond before agreeing to unload the ship. It may also be required when the amounts are undisputed, as security of payment. — Also

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rocket docket

rocket docket. 1. An accelerated dispute-resolution process. 2. A court or judicial district known for its speedy disposition of cases. 3. A similar administrative process, in which disputes must be decided within a specified time (such as 60 days).

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adversary proceeding

adversary proceeding. 1. A hearing involving a dispute between opposing parties (Judge Adams presided over the adversary proceeding between the landlord and tenant). 2. Bankruptcy. A lawsuit that is brought within a bankruptcy proceeding, governed by special procedural rules, and based on conflicting claims usu. between the debtor (or the trustee) and a creditor or

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conference. 1. CONVENTION(3). 2. A meeting between the two houses of a bicameral legislature. See conference committee under COMMITTEE. “It is proper for either house to request a conference with the other on any matter of difference or dispute between them. When a conference is requested, the subject of the conference should always be stated.

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swearing match

swearing match. A dispute in which determining a vital fact involves the credibility choice between one witness’s word and another’s — the two being irreconcilably in conflict and there being no other evidence. • In such a dispute, the fact-finder is generally thought to believe the more reputable witness, such as a police officer over

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altercation. A vehement dispute; a noisy argument. “altercation. The traditional view is that this word refers to ‘a noisy brawl or dispute,’ not rising to the seriousness of physical violence…. But in AmE, the word now often denotes some type of scuffling or fighting, especially in police jargon.” Bryan A. Garner, A Dictionary of Modern

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neutrality, n. The condition of a nation that in time of war takes no part in the dispute but continues peaceful dealings with the belligerents. — neutral, adj. armed neutrality. A condition of neutrality that the neutral state is willing to maintain by military force.

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autonomy privacy

An individual’s right to control his or her personal activities or intimate personal decisions without outside interference, observation, or intrusion. • If the individual’s interest in an activity or decision is fundamental, the state must show a compelling public interest before the private interest can be overcome. If the individual’s interest is acknowledged to be

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legal science

legal science. The field of study that, as one of the social sciences, deals with the institutions and principles that particular societies have developed (1) for defining the claims and liabilities of persons against one another in various circumstances, and (2) for peaceably resolving disputes and controversies in accordance with principles accepted as fair and

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