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guillotine n. (1)断头台 以斩首方式执行死刑的刑具。在两根平行有沟槽的柱子上方用绳索垂悬沉重的锋利刀斧,放松绳索,刀斧即沿沟槽落下,斩断受刑者的脖颈。这类刑具曾在中世纪末的英格兰、苏格兰和其他一些地区使用。1789年法国吉勒蒂恩〔Guillotine〕医生促使法国国民大会通过法律,规定死刑由机器执行,断头台被广泛使用。1792年首次使用并成为法国大革命时期执行死刑的标准刑具。 (2)〈英〉审议截止程序 下议院为加速通过提交审议的法案所采用的程序。将法案分为几个段落,对每一段落规定审议的时限,在规定的时限届满时,必须终止辩论。采用审议截止程序的动议必须经过讨论,并在辩论开始前获得通过。

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bill of health

bill of health. Maritime law. A statement certifying the healthy condition of a ship’s cargo and crew. • The bill is issued by the port authority from which a vessel sails and is shown to the port authority at the ship’s destination as proof that the ship’s cargo and crew are disease-free. A “clean” bill

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pillory (pil-[schwa]-ree), n. Hist. A wooden framework with holes through which an offender’s head and hands are placed. • A person put in a pillory usu. had to stand rather than sit (as with the stocks). Cf. STOCKS. finger pillory. Hist. Eccles. law. A miniature stock used to confine the fingers of a person who

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Pentonville 〈英〉本顿维尔监狱 位于伦敦克来肯威尔区,建于1842年,用于关押待流放的罪犯,并作为分离制〔Separate System〕监禁制度的示范监狱;劳役监禁〔penal servitude〕取代流放之后,用以关押判处劳役监禁刑的犯人。曾一度关闭。20世纪40年代重新启用,是伦敦主要监狱之一。

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