Search Results for: FUR

remedial action

remedial action. 1. Environmental law. An action intended to bring about or restore long-term environmental quality; esp., under CERCLA, a measure intended to permanently alleviate pollution when a hazardous substance has been released or might be released into the environment, so as to prevent or minimize any further release of hazardous substances and thereby minimize […]

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restrictive indorsement

An indorsement that includes a condition (e.g., “pay Josefina Cardoza only if she has worked 8 full hours on April 13”) or any other language restricting further negotiation (e.g., “for deposit only”). — Also termed collection indorsement. See conditional indorsement. [Cases: Bills and Notes 190, 199, 290. C.J.S. Bills and Notes; Letters of Credit §§

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supremacy clause

Supremacy Clause. The clause in Article VI of the U.S. Constitution declaring that the Constitution, all laws made in furtherance of the Constitution, and all treaties made under the authority of the United States are the “supreme law of the land” and enjoy legal superiority over any conflicting provision of a state constitution or law.

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board. 1. A group of persons having managerial, supervisory, or advisory powers (board of directors). • In parliamentary law, a board is a form of deliberative assembly and is distinct from a committee — which is usu. subordinate to a board or other deliberative assembly — in having greater autonomy and authority. 2. Daily meals

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autopsy (aw-top-see). 1. An examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death, esp. in a criminal in-vestigation. — Also termed postmortem; necropsy. [Cases: Coroners 14. C.J.S. Coroners and Medical Examiners § 16.] 2. The evidence of one’s own senses. “To a rational man of perfect organization, … the best and highest proof

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executed, adj. 1. (Of a document) that has been signed (an executed will). 2. That has been done, given, or performed (executed consideration). “[T]he term ‘executed’ is a slippery word. Its use is to be avoided except when accompanied by explanation…. A contract is frequently said to be executed when the document has been signed,

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equal protection

equal protection. The 14th Amendment guarantee that the government must treat a person or class of persons the same as it treats other persons or classes in like circumstances. • In today’s constitutional jurisprudence, equal protection means that legislation that discriminates must have a rational basis for doing so. And if the legislation affects a

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premium loan

A loan made to an insured by the insurer to enable the insured to pay further premiums. • The reserve value of the policy serves as collateral. [Cases: Insurance 1868, 2037. C.J.S. Insurance §§ 352–356, 518–519, 742–745, 749–754.]

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assurance, n. 1. Something that gives confidence; the state of being confident or secure (self-assurance). 2. English law. See life insurance under INSURANCE (she obtained assurance before traveling abroad, naming her husband as the beneficiary). 3. The act of transferring real property; the instrument by which it is transferred (the owner’s assurance of the farm

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