Search Results for: CONVENTIO

architectural work

The copyrightable design of a building, as fixed in tangible media such as plans, drawings, and the building itself. 17 USCA § 102. • Only the overall design is protected, not each design element. This category of works was added to U.S. law by the Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988. It is one of […]

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contractus (k[schwa]n-trak-t[schwa]s). [Latin] Roman law. A contract; an agreement between two or more parties, usu. to create an actionable bond between them. See CONTRAHERE. “The texts of the Roman Law do not supply a definition of contract. The words contractus — contrahere — like ‘contract’ in English, are used in various senses, sometimes wider, sometimes

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author’s right

author’s right. Copyright. The system of protecting the moral and economic rights of the creator of a work, esp. in civil-law countries. — Also termed (in French) droit d’auteur; (in German) Urheberrecht; (in Italian) diritto d’ autore; (in Spanish) derecho de autor. “[O]n almost every point of consequence, the traditions of copyright and author’s right

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hypotheque 〈法〉抵押权;不动产抵押权 在法国法中,指为保证清偿债务而在不动产上为债权人设定的物权,尽管抵押权人并不占有该不动产。它与英国法中的不动产抵押权〔mortgage of real property〕相对应,是一种真正的抵押权,无论该不动产归何人所有,抵押权均随之而存在,具有追及力。法国法中的抵押权分为三种:1法律上〔legale〕抵押权,例如国家对其会计人员的土地或已婚妇女对其丈夫的土地所享有的抵押权;2裁判上〔judiciaire〕抵押权,即根据法院判决而产生的抵押权;3契约上〔conventionelle〕抵押权,即由当事人协议而产生的抵押权。

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mirror image rule

Contracts. The doctrine that the acceptance of a contractual offer must be positive, unconditional, unequivocal, and unambiguous, and must not change, add to, or qualify the terms of the offer; the common-law principle that for a contract to be formed, the terms of an acceptance must correspond exactly with those of the offer. • In

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treaty n. (1)条约 由两国政府正式签署和批准的协议,以及两个以上国家达成的受国际法约束的国际性协议。亦称作「accord」、「convention」、「covenant」、「declaration」、「pact」。在英格兰,条约在司法程序中是不可强制执行的。缔结条约的权力原来属于王室特权,1914-1918年一次大战后,情形起了变化。在某些情况下,除非获得国会法令授权,国王缔结的条约是无效的。 (2)综合性再保险合约 指保险人之间为约定综合性再保险条款而达成的合约。 (3)(合同)协商;谈判 指在合同达成前对于合同条款的讨论。   (4)〈英〉贿选行为

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