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finance bill

A bill of exchange drawn by a bank in one country on a bank in another country to raise short-term credit. • Finance bills are often issued in tight money periods, and usu. have maturity dates of more than 60 days. — Also termed banker’s bill; working capital acceptance.

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accidental killing

accidental killing. Homicide resulting from a lawful act performed in a lawful manner under a reasonable belief that no harm could occur. — Also termed death by misadventure; homicide by misadventure; killing by misad-venture; homicide per infortunium. See justifiable homicide under HOMICIDE; involuntary manslaughter under MANSLAUGHTER. Cf. MALICIOUS KILLING. [Cases: Homicide 762.]

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waybill. Maritime law. A document acknowledging the receipt of goods by a carrier or by the shipper’s agent and the contract for the transportation of those goods. • Unlike a bill of lading, a waybill is not a document of title and is nonnegotiable. — Abbr. WB. Cf. BILL OF LADING. air waybill. A waybill

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