Search Results for: CONVENTIO

national treatment

national treatment. Intellectual property. The policy or practice of a country that accords the citizens of other countries the same intellectual-property protection as it gives its own citizens, with no formal treaty of reciprocity required. • The principle of national treatment underlay the first international intellectual-property treaties in the 19th century, the Paris and Berne […]

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Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development/OECD

Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development/OECD 经济合作与发展组织 国际性的政府间组织,总部设于巴黎。其前身为1948年成立的欧洲经济合作组织〔Organization for European Economic Co-Operation/O.E.E.C.〕。1960年12月14日,18个欧洲国家及加拿大、美国签订了《经济合作与发展组织公约》〔Convention of the O.E.C.D.〕,该公约于1961年9月30日生效,同时日本、芬兰、澳大利亚和新西兰也成为该组织的正式成员,此后,匈牙利、波兰、捷克、俄国、韩国先后加入,使该组织成员国已扩大到目前的29个。该组织的宗旨是推动经济的发展、促进国际贸易、以及提高成员国和非成员国的生活水平。

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credential. (usu. pl.) 1. A document or other evidence that proves one’s authority or expertise. 2. A testimonial that a person is entitled to credit or to the right to exercise official power. 3. The letter of credence given to an ambassador or other representative of a foreign country. 4. Parliamentary law. Evidence of a

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united nations educational scientific and cultural organization

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. The arm of the United Nations charged with promoting the exchange of educational, scientific, and cultural enterprises among nations. • Its Copyright Law Division administers the Universal Copyright Convention. — Abbr. UNESCO.

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writ of covenant

writ of covenant. Hist. A writ for one claiming damages as a result of a breach of a promise under seal or other covenant. — Also termed breve de conventione (breev orbree-vee dee k[schwa]n-ven-shee-oh-nee). “The writ of covenant (breve de conventione) is not mentioned by Glanvill; but it appears within a short time after the

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carriage of goods by air

carriage of goods by air 航空货物运输 以航空器为运载工具进行的货物运输。其中,国际航空货物运输基本上由国际条约加以调整。这类国际条约主要包括1929年《华沙公约》〔Warsaw Convention〕、1955年《海牙议定书》〔Hague Protocol〕和1961年《瓜达拉哈拉公约》〔Guadalajara Convention〕。其中《华沙公约》是国际航空运输领域最重要、最基础的条约,后二者是对《华沙公约》的补充和修订。《华沙公约》规定了国际航空运输中适用的标准化单证、承运人对货物灭失和损害的责任及豁免事由和责任限制、索赔与诉讼时效、管辖权等事项。在英国,通过1961年《航空运输法》〔Carriage by Air Act〕将上述前两项条约的内容纳入英国法律。国内航空运输依国内法所规定的条件适用国际规则。

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berne plus

Berne-plus, adj. Copyright. Of or relating to a copyright-treaty provision that affords greater intellectual-property protection than the minimum required by the Berne Convention, either by granting stronger rights or by extending protection to new forms of subject matter. • The term arose during negotiations over the TRIPs Agreement, reflecting the principle that the treaty should

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subrogation n. 代位 指由一人取代另一人的地位而对第三人依法请求给付或主张权利、要求补救或担保等。在债权债务关系中,若某人代为偿付债务,则其取代债权人的地位,可以对债务人行使债权人的一切权利,与其未代为偿付时原债权人对债务人的权利相同。代位通常发生于建筑合同、保险合同、保证以及流通票据法中。保险中的代位,如某人已投保的船舶因他人过错而致撞毁,则其可从保险人处取得保险金而恢复船舶价值,从而由保险人代位行使船舶所有权人的权利,以向造成船舶毁损者提起诉讼。代位是衡平法上的一种制度设计,以使债或义务能最终清偿,而又使偿付债务者不致显失公平。代位分为两种,即协商代位(或称合同代位)〔conventional subrogation〕与法定代位〔legal subrogation〕,前者是通过债权人与第三人的行为而明示的代位,后者则是由于法律实施而产生的代位或默示的代位,例如保证人的代位。 (→conventional subrogation; legal subrogation; equitable subrogation)

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acclamation. Parliamentary law. 1. Approval or election by general consent, usu. demonstrated by applause or cheering. • Election by acclamation is common in large conventions where only one candidate has been nominated. 2. Voting by applause or shouting.

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