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negotiable, adj. 1. (Of a written instrument) capable of being transferred by delivery or indorsement when the transferee takes the instrument for value, in good faith, and without notice of conflicting title claims or defenses. [Cases: Bills and Notes 144. C.J.S. Bills and Notes; Letters of Credit§§ 127, 129–130, 143.] 2. (Of a deal, agreement, […]

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regular use

Insurance. A use that is usual, normal, or customary, as opposed to an occasional, special, or incidental use. • This term often appears in automobile-insurance policies in the definition of a nonowned automobile — that is, an automobile not owned by or furnished for the regular use of the insured. Nonowned automobiles are excluded from

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资源枯竭(减税) 英语:depletion (allowance) 法语:épuisement des ressources (amortissement pour épuisement) 德语:Substanzverringerung (Abschreibung für Substanzverringerung) 意大利语:ammortamento per esaurimento risorse 西班牙语:agotamiento (deducción, desgravación por)

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business expense

An expense incurred to operate and promote a business; esp., an expenditure made to further the business in the taxable year in which the expense is incurred. • Most business expenses — unlike personal expenses — are tax-deductible. [Cases: Internal Revenue 3314.1–3377.]

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alienation clause

alienation clause. 1. A deed provision that either permits or prohibits the further conveyance of the property. [Cases: Deeds 144(1), 149. C.J.S. Deeds §§ 275, 305–307, 309, 313.] 2. Insurance. A clause in an insurance policy voiding coverage if the policyholder alienates the insured property. [Cases: Insurance 3051. C.J.S. Insurance §§ 574, 640–652, 772.]

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gag order

gag order. 1. A judge’s order directing parties, attorneys, witnesses, or journalists to refrain from publicly dis-cussing the facts of a case. • When directed to the press, such an order is generally unconstitutional under the First Amendment. [Cases: Criminal Law 633(1); Federal Civil Procedure 1951; Trial 18, 20. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 564, 1134,

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hearsay. 1. Traditionally, testimony that is given by a witness who relates not what he or she knows personally, but what others have said, and that is therefore dependent on the credibility of someone other than the witness. • Such testimony is generally inadmissible under the rules of evidence. 2. In federal law, a statement

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diocese (dI-[schwa]-sees or -sis). 1. Roman law. A division of the later Roman Empire into groups of provinces. 2. Eccles. law. A territorial unit of the church, governed by a bishop, and further divided into parishes. 3. Eccles. law. A bishop’s jurisdiction. • Several dioceses together are governed by an archbishop.

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