Search Results for: FUR

fairness doctrine

fairness doctrine. A former FCC rule that required the broadcast media to furnish a reasonable opportunity for discussion of conflicting views on issues of public importance. • The FCC abandoned the fairness doctrine in 1987. Cf. EQUAL-TIME DOCTRINE. [Cases: Telecommunications 435. C.J.S. Telegraphs, Telephones, Radio, and Television §§ 178–179, 183–187.]

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所有权证书 英语:title deed 法语:titre de propriété 德语:Eigentumsurkunde (für Grundbesitz) 意大利语:titolo (scrittura) di proprietà, fonte e prova di un diritto immobiliare 西班牙语:escritura para transferir el dominio de un bien

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inquiry notice

Notice attributed to a person when the information would lead an ordinarily prudent person to investigate the matter further; esp., the time at which the victim of an alleged securities fraud became aware of facts that would have prompted a reasonable person to investigate. [Cases: Notice 6; Vendor and Purchaser 229. C.J.S. Notice §§ 12–14;

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table, n. 1. A synopsized representation, esp. in columnar form, of the particulars of a subject, usu. to present diverse items in a way that can be more easily understood. • Examples include actuarial tables, genealogical tables (which show the names and relationships of all the persons constituting a family), and interest tables. 2. A

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