Search Results for: WIFE

prenuptial agreement

prenuptial agreement. An agreement made before marriage usu. to resolve issues of support and property division if the marriage ends in divorce or by the death of a spouse. — Also termed antenuptial agreement; antenuptial contract; premarital agreement; premarital contract; marriage settlement. — Sometimes shortened to prenup. Cf. POSTNUPTIAL AGREEMENT ; COHABITATION AGREEMENT . [Cases: […]

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husband n. (1)丈夫 1已婚的男子;2有与之共同生活的合法妻子的男人;3妻子〔wife〕的对应词。从词源学上讲,该词意指「房契」〔house bond〕。根据撒克逊的观念和习俗,丈夫是指为整个家庭负法律责任的男人。 (2)农民;管理人 v.耕作;耕地;务农;保存;保留 如荒野中食物的贮备。 (→husbandry; ship’s husband)

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enoch arden law

Enoch Arden law (ee-n[schwa]k ahrd-[schwa]n). A statute that grants a divorce or an exemption from liability so that a person can remarry when his or her spouse has been absent without explanation for a specified number of years (usu. five or seven). • This type of law is named after a Tennyson poem, in which

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detinue (det-i-nyoo or -noo). A common-law action to recover personal property wrongfully taken by another. Cf. REPLEVIN; TROVER. [Cases: Detinue 1. C.J.S. Detinue § 1.] “A claim in detinue lies at the suit of a person who has an immediate right to the possession of the goods against a person who is in actual possession

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