Search Results for: valid contract

sealed instrument

At common law and under some statutes, an instrument to which the bound party has affixed a personal seal, usu. recognized as providing indisputable evidence of the validity of the underlying obligations. • The common-law distinction between sealed and unsealed instruments has been abolished by many states, and the UCC provides that the laws applicable […]

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fatal, adj. 1. Of or relating to death; producing death (the decision had fatal consequences) (fatal blow). 2. Providing grounds for legal invalidity (a fatal defect in the contract).

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derogatory clause

derogatory clause. 1. A statutory or contractual provision proclaiming that the document in which it appears, or a part of the document, cannot be repealed or amended. • Such provisions are considered ineffective. “The one thing a sovereign legislature cannot do is truncate its own sovereignty by restricting its successors. A parliament sovereign today must

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impair, vb. To diminish the value of (property or a property right). • This term is commonly used in reference to diminishing the value of a contractual obligation to the point that the contract becomes invalid or a party loses the benefit of the contract. See CONTRACTS CLAUSE.

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lesion (lee-zh[schwa]n). 1. An injury or wound; esp., an area of wounded tissue. 2. Civil law. Loss from another’s failure to perform a contract; the injury suffered by one who did not receive the equivalent value of what was bargained for. La. Civ. Code art. 2589. — Also spelled (in sense 2) lésion. [Cases: Vendor

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