Search Results for: NAY


consignation (kon-sig-nay-sh[schwa]n), n. 1. A debtor’s delivery of money to an authorized third party after the creditor refuses to accept the payment. • Unlike a tender, a valid consignation discharges the debtor. Cf. TENDER(1). 2. CONSIGNMENT(1).

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acte (akt), n. [French] French law. 1. An instrument; a proof in writing, such as a deed, bill of sale, or birth cer-tificate. acte authentique (akt oh-tawn-teek). A deed executed with certain prescribed formalities, in the presence of a notary or other official. acte de décès (akt d[schwa] day-say). A death certificate. acte de francisation

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legatus (l[schwa]-gay-t[schwa]s), n. A legate. Pl. legati (l[schwa]-gay-t I). See LEGATE. legatus a latere (ay lat-[schwa]-ree). [Latin “legate from the (Pope’s) side”] A papal legate (esp. a cardinal) appointed for a special diplomatic mission and not as a permanent representative. • This is a type of legatus missus. — Also termed legate a latere. Cf.

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assignation (as-ig-nay-sh[schwa]n), n. 1. Archaic. An appointment of a time and place to meet, esp. for en-gaging in illicit sex. 2. Eccles. law. A specific allegation in a defendant’s counterpleading. 3. French law. A plaintiff’s complaint; a writ of summons.

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