Search Results for: NAY


postnatus (pohst-nay-t[schwa]s). [Latin] A person born after a certain political event that affected the person’s political rights; esp., a person born after the Declaration of Independence. Pl. postnati. Cf. ANTENATUS.

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originalia ([schwa]-rij-[schwa]-nay-lee-[schwa] or -nayl-y[schwa]). Hist. Records compiled in the Chancery and transmitted to the Remembrancer’s office in the Exchequer. • These records were kept from 1236 to 1837. Cf. RECORDA.

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agnatio (ag-nay-shee-oh). [Latin] Roman law. Kinship through the male line, not necessarily involving blood ties; specif., an affiliation of free persons of either sex in the power (patria potestas) of the senior living male or of a male who would be in his power if he were living. • An agnatic relationship could be created

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damnatus (dam-nay-t[schwa]s), n. [fr. Latin damnare “to condemn”] 1. Roman law. A person condemned, esp. in a capital case. 2. Hist. Something prohibited by law; something that is unlawful, as in damnatus coitus (“unlawful sexual connection”).

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