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magister (m[schwa]-jis-t[schwa]r). [fr. Latin magis “more”] Roman law. 1. A master; a superior, esp. by office or position. 2. A teacher; esp., one who has obtained eminence in a particular field of learning. magister ad facultates (m[schwa]-jis-t[schwa]r ad fak-[schwa]l-tay-teez), n. [Latin “master for permissions”] Eccles. law. 1. An officer who grants dispensations, as to marry […]

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agnatus (ag-nay-t[schwa]s), n. [Latin] Roman law. A person related through the male line. Cf. COGNATUS. “[Agnati were] all individuals subject for the time being to the same patria potestas, or who would be so subject were the common ancestor alive. Brothers and sisters, with their uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, and other colla-terals (not having been

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decreet (di-kreet), n. [fr. Latin decretum] Archaic Scots law. A court’s final judgment; a decree. • Decree is now the usual term. decreet absolvitor (ab-zol-vi-t[schwa]r or -tor), n. See decree absolvitor under DECREE. decreet arbitral (ahr-bi-tr[schwa]l), n. See decree arbitral under DECREE. decreet cognitionis causa (kog-nish-ee-oh-nis kaw-z[schwa]), n. See decree cognitionis causa under DECREE. decreet

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dissemination (di-sem-i-nay-sh[schwa]n), n. 1. The act of spreading, diffusing, or dispersing; esp., the circulation of defamatory matter. 2. The extension of the influence or establishment of a thing, such as an idea, book, or document.

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nominatim (nah-mi-nay-t[schwa]m), adv. [fr. Latin nomen “name”] Roman law. By name. • This term refers to mentioning someone or something expressly by name or by specific description, so that (for example) to disinherit persons nominatim means that there is no doubt who is meant to be excluded.

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condemnation (kon-dem-nay-sh[schwa]n), n. 1. The act of judicially pronouncing someone guilty; conviction. 2. The determination and declaration that certain property (esp. land) is assigned to public use, subject to reasonable compensation; the exercise of eminent domain by a governmental entity. See EMINENT DOMAIN. excess condemnation. A taking of land in excess of the boundaries of

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concubinage (kon-kyoo-b[schwa]-nij), n. 1. The relationship of a man and woman who cohabit without the benefit of marriage. [Cases: Marriage 22. C.J.S. Marriage §§ 24–25.] 2. The state of being a concubine. 3. Hist. A plea in a dower action made by a defendant who asserts that the plaintiff is the defendant’s concubine rather than

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