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paraphernalia (par-[schwa]-f[schwa]r-nay-lee-[schwa]). Hist. Property that a wife was allowed to keep, in addition to her dowry, on the death of her husband. “[I]n one particular instance the wife may acquire a property in some of her husband’s goods: which shall remain to her after his death and not go to the executors. These are called […]

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roll call vote

A counted vote by roll call, in which the secretary calls each member’s name, in answer to which the member casts aloud his or her vote. • The U.S. Constitution provides that “the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present,

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incriminate (in-krim-[schwa]-nayt), vb. 1. To charge (someone) with a crime ( the witness incriminated the murder suspect). 2. To identify (oneself or another) as being involved in the commission of a crime or other wrongdoing ( the defendant incriminated an accomplice). — Also termed criminate. — incriminatory, adj.

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cognatus (kog-nay-t[schwa]s), n. & adj.[Latin] Roman law. A cognatic relative; a person related to another by a common ancestor. — Also termed cognate. Cf. AGNATUS. Pl. cognati.

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stellionatus (stel-ee-[schwa]-nay-t[schwa]s or stel-y[schwa]-nay-t[ schwa]s. [Latin “underhand dealing”] Roman & Scots law. Conduct that is fraudulent but does not fall within a specific class of offenses. • This term applies primarily to fraudulent practices in the sale or hypothecation of land. — Also termed (in Scots law) stellionate. Cf. COZENING. “STELLIONATE… is a term applied,

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