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negotiation, n. 1. A consensual bargaining process in which the parties attempt to reach agreement on a disputed or potentially disputed matter. • Negotiation usu. involves complete autonomy for the parties involved, without the intervention of third parties. [Cases: Contracts 25. C.J.S. Contracts § 60.] “Negotiation, we may say, ought strictly to be viewed simply […]

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recital. 1. An account or description of some fact or thing (the recital of the events leading up to the accident). 2. A preliminary statement in a contract or deed explaining the reasons for entering into it or the background of the transaction, or showing the existence of particular facts (the recitals in the settlement

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contribution bar

contribution bar. Preclusion of a defendant having contribution rights against other defendants, who have settled their dispute with the plaintiff, from seeking contribution from them. • The bar is usu. allowed in exchange for a credit against any judgment the plaintiff obtains against the nonsettling defendant. [Cases: Contribution 8. C.J.S. Contribution §§ 26–31.]

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private judging

private judging. A type of alternative dispute resolution whereby the parties hire a private individual to hear and decide a case. • This process may occur as a matter of contract between the parties or in connection with a statute authorizing such a process. — Also termed rent-a-judging. “In contrast [to arbitration], private judging is

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hot cargo agreement

hot-cargo agreement. Labor law. A voluntary agreement between a union and a neutral employer by which the latter agrees to exert pressure on another employer with whom the union has a dispute, as by ceasing or refraining from handling, using, selling, transporting, or otherwise dealing in any of the products of an employer that the

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sources of law

sources of law 法律的渊源 这一术语在不同地方使用含义不同。1法律的历史渊源。它指历史上发生的引发法律原则及规则之产生的行为和事件,在英国和西欧法律制度中,这些渊源一般包括罗马法、教会法、封建主义的原则、封建习惯、商事法、西欧通行的海商法等。它们也包括特定国家的特定行为与事件,例如在英格兰,中世纪产生《大宪章》〔Magna Carta〕的国王与贵族的斗争,17世纪国会与国王的斗争,促成1906年《行业争议法》〔Trades Disputes Act〕的劳资纠纷等,这些都可作为英格兰法的历史渊源。2法律的理论或哲学渊源。即影响了法律、促成了立法或导致变革的理论上的或哲学上的原则,如衡平法受自然法理论,19世纪英格兰法律改革受功利主义的影响等。3法律的正式渊源或形式渊源。这是指基于某一机关被认可的权威而使它所制定颁布的那些规则具有了法律的效力,在这个意义上英格兰法的形式渊源包括:国会的立法;被授予立法权的机关所制定的法律;上级法院在判决理由中包含的法律原则;权威法学论着中体现的原则;习惯;基于公平、正义、道德、理性所产生的司法观念等。4法律的文献渊源。这里主要指法律文件记录及法律着作文献,前者包括制定法汇集、判例报道集,后者包括法律家的权威性着作,如布莱克斯通爵士的《英格兰法释评》〔Commentaries on the Laws of England〕等。5法律的文化渊源。如百科全书、专着、教科书、参考书籍,但它们所作的说明并无法律上的效力,法官并无必须采用它们的义务。每一项法律原则和规则都在上述前四种含义中有其渊源。对于法学研究来说,第一、第二种渊源很能引人入胜;但对于法律实践来说,则第三、第四种渊源最为重要,被主张的法律原则只有出自于法律的形式渊源且能在文献渊源中找到才有法律效力;第五种渊源则有助于某一法律问题的系统化和对法律发展的评估和批评。法律史上法律渊源经历了一个长期的发展,先是习俗、惯例,然后又是立法机关的立法,直到今天又扩展到国际条约等。一国究竟以何种渊源作为该国的法律渊源,可于宪法中加以规定或在主要法典中或最高法院判决中规定。在英国的渊源顺序是欧共体立法、欧洲法院判例、英国议会法案、成文法规、判例、习惯、权威着作,此外亦有道德原则与社会准则。在美国其顺序为宪法、条约、联邦法、联邦行政条令、州宪法、州成文法、州行政法规、程序法、判例、惯例、着作、道义、公正原则。

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controvert (kon-tr[schwa]-v[schwa]rt or kon-tr[schwa]-v[schwa]rt), vb. To dispute or contest; esp., to deny (as an allegation in a pleading) or oppose in argument (the allegations in Peck’s pleadings were never adequately controverted).

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