Search Results for: ADDRESS TO THE CROWN

address to the crown

address to the Crown. Upon a reading of a royal speech in Parliament, the ceremonial resolution by Parliament expressing thanks to the sovereign for the gracious speech. • Formerly, two members were selected in each house for moving and seconding the address. With the commencement of the 1890–1891 session, a single resolution was adopted.

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petition of right

petition of right. 1. (cap.) One of the four great charters of English liberty (3 Car. (1628)), establishing that “no man be compelled to make or yield any gift, loan, benevolence, tax, or such like charge, without common consent by act of parliament.” • The other three great charters are Magna Carta, the Habeas Corpus

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monstraverunt (mon-str[schwa]-veer-[schwa]nt). [Latin “they have showed”] Hist. A writ of relief for tenants of ancient demesne who were distrained by their lord to do more than the tenure required. — Also termed writ of monstraverunt. “The little writ serves the turn of a man who claims land according to the custom of the manor; but

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