Search Results for: BULK SALE

bulk sale

bulk sale. A sale of a large quantity of inventory outside the ordinary course of the seller’s business. • Bulk sales are regulated by Article 6 of the UCC, which is designed to prevent sellers from defrauding unsecured creditors by making these sales and then dissipating the sale proceeds. — Also termed bulk transfer. [Cases: […]

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Bulk Sales Acts

Bulk Sales Acts 〈美〉《大宗销售法》 一种通过防止私自大宗转让或销售库存来保护债权人的法律规定。如果在正常经营活动以外销售货物的绝大部分或全部,卖方应该向买方提交卖方债权人的名单,买方应提前通知债权人有关该销售事项。否则,对债权人而言,这种销售即构成欺诈并归于无效。在某些州,《大宗销售法》已由《统一商法典》〔U.C.C.〕第6篇取代。

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bulk sale

bulk sale (1)大宗销售;大宗转让 在美国,指企业非在正常经营业务过程中将其大部分原材料、供货、商品及其它库存等进行大宗转让。这种销售受美国《统一商法典》〔U.C.C.〕第6篇的调整,以保护转让方的债权人。 (2)批量销售;估堆销售 在一项交易中,将绝大部分库存货物或商品转让给一个人。例如,在企业破产清算时将其资产整批转让。

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liquidation, n. 1. The act of determining by agreement or by litigation the exact amount of something (as a debt or damages) that before was uncertain. 2. The act of settling a debt by payment or other satisfaction. 3. The act or process of converting assets into cash, esp. to settle debts. one-month liquidation. A

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discount, n. 1. A reduction from the full amount or value of something, esp. a price. 2. An advance deduction of interest when a person lends money on a note, bill of exchange, or other commercial paper, resulting in its present value. See PRESENT VALUE. 3. The amount by which a security’s market value is

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per aversionem

per aversionem (p[schwa]r [schwa]-v[schwa]r-zhee-oh-n[schwa]m). [Latin “for a lump sum”] Roman & civil law. Of or relating to a sale in which goods are taken in bulk or land is bought by estimation of the number of acres. • This type of sale is so called because the buyer “turns away” from a careful scrutiny of

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