Search Results for: DEAD MAN'S PART

dead man’s part

dead man’s part 〈英〉〈苏格兰〉死者份 在英格兰古法中,指无遗嘱死亡者的动产中除其妻子和子女有权取得的财产份额外剩余的财产。依据伦敦城的习惯,当某一市民或自由人去世时无遗嘱的,如其有妻有子,则遗产分成三份,妻、子各得一份,余者归遗产管理人〔administrator〕;如其有妻无子或无妻有子的,则遗产分为两份,妻或子得一份,余者归遗产管理人;如其无妻无子,则遗产全部归遗产管理人。上述由遗产管理人取得的财产即称为「死者份」。但1685年的制定法规定,由遗产管理人掌管的全部遗产须根据1670年《遗产分配法》〔Statute of Distribution〕执行。该词亦写作「death’s part」。在苏格兰法中,死者份〔dead’s part〕是指并非根据法定权利而取得的死者动产份额,对此,可由死者在遗嘱中处分或按无遗嘱继承方式处分。

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dead man’s part

dead man’s part. 1. Archaic. By custom in certain places, the portion of a dead man’s estate set aside for mass services; later, that portion set aside as payment for the administrator. • That portion ranged from one-third (if the deceased had a wife and children) to the entire estate (if the deceased had no

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dead man’s statute

dead man’s statute. A law prohibiting the admission of a decedent’s statement as evidence in certain circumstances, as when an opposing party or witness seeks to use the statement to support a claim against the decedent’s estate. — Also termed dead person’s statute. [Cases: Witnesses 125. C.J.S. Witnesses § 215.]

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