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manceps (man-seps), n. [Latin “an agent”] 1. Roman law. A purchaser of something at a state auction, esp. a right or advantage, as in the right to farm taxes. See CONDUCTOR(2). “Manceps. One who at a public auction, conducted by a magistrate, through the highest bid obtained the right to collect taxes (a tax farmer)

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all steps rule

all-steps rule. Patents. The doctrine that in order for a method or process claim to be literally infringed by an accused process, the accused process must have every step and limitation — or an equivalent — of the infringed claim. Cf. ALL-ELEMENTS RULE. [Cases: Patents 229. C.J.S. Patents § 410.]

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sweepstakes. 1. A race (esp. a horse race) in which the winner’s prize is the sum of the stakes contributed by the various competitors. 2. A contest, often for promotional purposes, that awards prizes based on the random selection of entries. • State and federal laws prohibit conducting a sweepstakes as a scheme to obtain

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androlepsy (an-dr[schwa]-lep-see). [fr. Greek “seizure of men”] Hist. The taking by one nation of citizens or subjects of another nation either in reprisal or to enforce some claim (as to surrender or punish a fugitive). — Also termed androlepsia (an-dr[schwa]-lep-see-[schwa]).

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Jepson claim

An improvement-patent claim characterized by a preamble setting forth the current state of the art, followed by the phrase “the improvement comprising” and a description of the claimed patentable improvement. • The name comes from Ex parte Jepson, 1917 C.D. 62, 243 O.G. 526 (Ass’t Comm’r Pat. 1917) in which this type of claim was

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