Search Results for: PATRONAGE


patronage (pay-tr[schwa]-nij). 1. The giving of support, sponsorship, or protection. 2. All the customers of a business; clientele. 3. The power to appoint persons to governmental positions or to confer other political favors. — Also termed (in sense 3) political patronage. See SPOILS SYSTEM. [Cases: Officers and Public Employees 25. C.J.S. Officers and Public Employees

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disturbance n. 干扰;骚扰;妨害;妨碍 1指任何扰乱他人安宁,引起他人愤怒、焦虑不安的行为;2指妨碍他人合法且适当地工作或正常集会的行为;3在普通法中,指妨碍、干扰他人正常行使无形之财产权利的侵权行为。布莱克斯通〔Blackstone〕列举了五种妨害行为:妨害特许权〔franchises〕、妨害公地使用权〔common〕、妨害保有权〔tenure〕、妨害通行权〔ways〕和妨害圣职推荐权〔patronage〕。

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quare impedit

quare impedit (kwair-ee im-p[schwa]-dit). [Latin “why he hinders”] Hist. Eccles. law. A writ or action to enforce a patron’s right to present a person to fill a vacant benefice. — Also termed writ of quare impedit. See PRESENTATION(2); ADVOWSON. “The writ of quare impedit commands the disturbers, the bishop, the pseudo-patron, and his clerk, to

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