tender of issue
Common-law pleading. A form attached to a traverse, by which the traversing party refers the issue to the proper mode of trial. [Cases: Pleading 100, 112. C.J.S. Pleading §§ 183, 764, 769.]
Common-law pleading. A form attached to a traverse, by which the traversing party refers the issue to the proper mode of trial. [Cases: Pleading 100, 112. C.J.S. Pleading §§ 183, 764, 769.]
tender of issue. Common-law pleading. A form attached to a traverse, by which the traversing party refers the issue to the proper mode of trial. [Cases: Pleading 100, 112. C.J.S. Pleading §§ 183, 764, 769.] “[I]t is the object of all pleadings to bring the parties, in the course of their mutual altercations, to an
tender of issue 提交争论点 普通法诉讼上当事人答辩状中的正式用语,通过此种方式,一方提出异议并要求以适当的方式裁决之。被告提交事实争论点的用语是:「and of this he puts himself upon the country」即:「彼已提出彼方的所有论点以听由国家决定」。
A traverse consisting of a tender of issue — that is, a denial accompanied by a formal offer for decision of the point denied — with a denial that expressly contradicts the terms of the allegation traversed. — Also termed specific traverse. [Cases: Pleading 117. C.J.S. Pleading § 184.]
currency. An item (such as a coin, government note, or banknote) that circulates as a medium of exchange. See LEGAL TENDER. [Cases: United States 34. C.J.S. United States §§ 162–163.] blocked currency. Currency or bank deposits that, by government restriction, may be used only within the country where they are located. fractional currency. Paper money
sacramentum decisionis (sak-r[schwa]-men-t[schwa]m di-sizh-ee-oh-nis). [Latin “the oath of decision”] Civil law. The offer by one party to accept the opposing party’s oath as decisive of the issues involved in a lawsuit. Pl. sacramenta decisionis. “The defendant or person accused was … to make oath of his own innocence, and to produce a certain number of
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tax-anticipation bill. A short-term obligation issued by the U.S. Treasury to meet the cash-flow needs of the government. • Corporations can tender these bills at par value to make quarterly tax payments. — Abbr. TAB.
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similiter (si-mil-i-t[schwa]r). [Latin “similarly”] Common-law pleading. A party’s written acceptance of an opponent’s issue or argument; a set form of words by which a party accepts or joins in an issue of fact tendered by the other side. See joinder of issue (2) under JOINDER. [Cases: Pleading 100, 186. C.J.S. Pleading §§ 225, 764, 769.]
greenback, n. Slang. A legal-tender note of the United States; any note issued by a federal reserve bank. • The term was coined in 1862 when the backs of American paper currency were first printed in green ink.