wipo copyright treaty

WIPO Copyright Treaty. A 1996 treaty that made changes in the Berne Convention in light of the TRIPs Agreement and dealt with new copyright issues raised by the emergence of the Internet and other digital tech-nology. • The WIPO Treaty expressly protects computer software and databases and expressly excludes from protection “ideas, procedures, methods of […]

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communication right

communication right. Copyright. The power of a copyright owner to authorize or prohibit the transmission of a work to the public by way of interactive on-demand systems such as the Internet. • This right is included in the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the European Commission’s Directive on the Information Society.

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geneva phonograms convention

Geneva Phonograms Convention. A 1971 treaty requiring signatories to protect phonorecord producers against piracy and the importation of pirated copies, by copyright protection, unfair-competition law, or criminal sanc-tions. • The treaty was drafted by representatives from WIPO and UNESCO to correct weaknesses in the Rome Convention. — Also termed Convention for the Protection of Producers

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berne plus

Berne-plus, adj. Copyright. Of or relating to a copyright-treaty provision that affords greater intellectual-property protection than the minimum required by the Berne Convention, either by granting stronger rights or by extending protection to new forms of subject matter. • The term arose during negotiations over the TRIPs Agreement, reflecting the principle that the treaty should

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