Search Results for: heartbalm statute

heartbalm statute

A state law that abolishes the rights of action for monetary damages as solace for the emotional trauma occasioned by a loss of love and relationship. • The abolished rights of action include alienation of affections, breach of promise to marry, criminal conversation, and seduction of a person over the legal age of consent. Many […]

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heartbalm statute

heartbalm statute. A state law that abolishes the rights of action for monetary damages as solace for the emotional trauma occasioned by a loss of love and relationship. • The abolished rights of action include alienation of affections, breach of promise to marry, criminal conversation, and seduction of a person over the legal age of

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breach of promise

breach of promise. The violation of one’s word or undertaking, esp. a promise to marry. • Under English common law, an engagement to marry had the nature of a commercial contract, so if one party broke the engagement without justification, the innocent party was entitled to damages. See HEARTBALM STATUTE . [Cases: Breach of Marriage

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criminal conversation

criminal conversation. Archaic. A tort action for adultery, brought by a husband against a third party who en-gaged in sexual intercourse with his wife. • Criminal conversation has been abolished in most jurisdictions. — Abbr. crim. con. See HEARTBALM STATUTE. [Cases: Husband and Wife 340–354.] “An action (whether of trespass or case is uncertain, but

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