Search Results for: testamentary intent

frustration of ancestral or testamentary intention

frustration of ancestral or testamentary intention 祖先或遗嘱人意愿的实现受阻 指继承人或受遗赠人违背其向遗嘱人所作的、为他人保有遗产或将该遗产给予他人的承诺,而遗嘱人正是基于此种有利于该他人的承诺才订立或修改其遗嘱的。

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testamentary (tes-t[schwa]-men-t[schwa]-ree or -tree), adj. 1. Of or relating to a will or testament (testamentary intent). [Cases: Wills 1–20. C.J.S. Conflict of Laws § 72; Wills§§ 1–3, 53–87, 93–95, 97–98, 103–104, 106–132, 172, 174, 381.] 2. Provided for or appointed by a will (testamentary guardian). 3. Created by a will (testamentary gift).

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publish, vb. 1. To distribute copies (of a work) to the public. 2. To communicate (defamatory words) to someone other than the person defamed. See INTENT TO PUBLISH. [Cases: Libel and Slander 23. C.J.S. Libel and Slander; Injurious Falsehood§§ 48–52.] 3. To declare (a will) to be the true expression of one’s testamentary intent. [Cases:

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distributive deviation

distributive deviation. A trustee’s authorized or unauthorized departure from the express distributional terms of a trust. • A trustee must apply to the court for authority to deviate from the terms of a trust. In American law, courts rarely authorize deviation unless all the beneficiaries consent and there is no material purpose of the settlor

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ademption ([schwa]-demp-sh[schwa]n), n. Wills & estates. The destruction or extinction of a testamentary gift by reason of a bequeathed asset’s ceasing to be part of the estate at the time of the testator’s death; a beneficiary’s forfeiture of a legacy or bequest that is no longer operative. • There are two theories of ademption. Under

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satisfaction, n. 1. The giving of something with the intention, express or implied, that it is to extinguish some existing legal or moral obligation. • Satisfaction differs from performance because it is always something given as a substitute for or equivalent of something else, while performance is the identical thing promised to be done. —

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leave, n. 1. Departure; the act of going away (took his leave). 2. Extended absence for which one has authorization; esp., a voluntary vacation from military duties with the chance to visit home; furlough (on a three-month leave from the Army). 3. Permission (by leave of court). leave, vb. 1. To give by will; to

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