He who is silent when conscience requires him to speak shall be debarred from speaking when conscience requires him to be silent.glossary / He who is silent when conscience requires him to speak shall be debarred from speaking when conscience requires him to be silent., 良知要求其发言时保持沉默之人,于良知要求其保持沉默时亦被禁止发言 He who is silent when conscience requires him to speak shall be debarred from speaking when conscience requires him to be silent.良知要求其发言时保持沉默之人,于良知要求其保持沉默时亦被禁止发言。 词条贡献者 译者筠怡,毕业于法国顶尖的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译各种与产品责任与集体侵权诉讼相关的法律文件。