solvit post diemglossary / SOLVIT POST DIEM solvit post diem (sol-vit pohst dI-[schwa]m). [Law Latin “he paid after the day”] Hist. In a debt action on a bond, a plea that the defendant paid the debt after the due date but before commencement of the lawsuit. 词条贡献者 法律翻译Howard,在一家顶尖的美国律师事务所担任专职法律翻译,专注翻译各类与信托与财产规划有关的法律文件。
solvit post diem SOLVIT POST DIEM, 他已在到期日后支付了 solvit post diem 〈拉〉他已在到期日后支付了 在债务诉讼中,被告所作的称自己已于债务到期日后而在诉讼开始之前清偿了债务的答辩。