allocationglossary / ALLOCATION allocation, n. A designation or apportionment for a specific purpose; esp., the crediting of a receipt or the charging of a disbursement to an account ( allocation of funds). — allocate, vb. — allocable, adj. — allocator, n. 词条贡献者 译员圣强,国际仲裁与争端解决专业,专注翻译各种与跨境争议有关的法律文件。
(责任、成本、费用等)分摊 (责任、成本、费用等)分摊, ALLOCATION, apportionment (blame, asignación o reparto proporcional, Aufteilung, costs, divisione, imputazione, partage, prorrateo, répartition, ripartizione, values), ventilation (责任、成本、费用等)分摊 英语:apportionment (blame, costs, values) 法语:partage, allocation, répartition, ventilation 德语:Aufteilung 意大利语:ripartizione, imputazione, divisione 西班牙语:asignación o reparto proporcional, prorrateo