
juramentum (joor-[schwa]-men-t[schwa]m), n. [Latin] Civil law. An oath. Pl. juramenta (joor-[schwa]-men-t[schwa]).

juramentum calumniae (k[schwa]-l[schwa]m-nee-ee). An oath of calumny. See oath of calumny under OATH.

juramentum corporalis (kor-p[schwa]-ray-lis). A corporal oath. See corporal oath under OATH.

juramentum in litem (in lI-tem or -t[schwa]m). An oath in litem. See oath in litem under OATH.

juramentum judiciale (joo-dish-ee-ay-lee). An oath by which the judge defers the decision of the case to either of the parties.

juramentum necessarium (nes-[schwa]-sair-ee-[schwa]m). A necessary or compulsory oath.

juramentum voluntarium (vol-[schwa]n-tair-ee-[schwa]m). A voluntary oath.

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