chargé d’affaires

chargé d’affaires (shahr-zhay d[schwa]-fair). [French “one in charge of affairs”] A diplomat who is the second in command in a diplomatic mission (hence, subordinate to an ambassador or minister). — Also spelled chargé des affaires. Pl. chargés d’affaires.[Cases: Ambassadors and Consuls

3. C.J.S. Ambassadors and Consuls §§ 15–23.]

acting chargé d’affaires. A chargé d’affaires who performs mission functions when the leader of the mission is not available to do so or when the position is vacant.

— Also termed chargés d’affaires ad interim.

permanent chargé d’affaires. A chargé d’affaires with a high enough rank to head a mission (if there is no am-bassador or minister).

— Also termed chargé d’affaires en pied; chargé d’affaires en titre.

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