legatus a latere (ay lat-[schwa]-ree). [Latin “legate from the (Pope’s) side”] A papal legate (esp. a cardinal) appointed for a special diplomatic mission and not as a permanent representative. • This is a type of legatus missus.
— Also termed legate a latere. Cf. NUNCIO.
legatus datus (day-t[schwa]s). See legatus missus.
legatus missus (mis-[schwa]s). [Latin “legate sent”] A legate sent on a special mission.
— Also termed legate missus; legatus datus (day-t[schwa]s).
legatus natus (nay-t[schwa]s). [Latin “legate born”] A bishop or archbishop who claims to be a legate by virtue of office in an important see, such as Canterbury.
— Also termed legate natus.