“In modern times it has become usual to speak of the Crown rather than of the King, when we refer to the King in his public capacity as a body politic. We speak of the property of the Crown, when we mean the property which the King holds in right of his Crown. So we speak of the debts due by the Crown, of legal proceedings by and against the Crown, and so on. The usage is one of great convenience, because it avoids a difficulty which is inherent in all speech and thought concerning corporations sole, the difficulty, namely, of distinguishing adequately between the body politic and the human being by whom it is represented and whose name it bears.” John Salmond, Jurisprudence 341–42 (Glanville L. Williams ed., 10th ed. 1947).
king n. (1)王;国王;君王;君主 某一领土内男性君主的称谓,若存在皇帝这样更高一级的统治者,王并非至高无上,而是从属于皇帝。但国王比公爵、伯爵或亲王职位更高、也更重要。王在不同的历史时期和不同地域,其地位与影响力并不一致。一般而言,君王有极权君王与限权君王之分,前者的权力是无限的,不受到任何限制;后者则受到宪制的约束,可称为立宪君主。现在该职位多在西欧小部分存在,国王处于虚君地位,其权力是象征性、非政治性的。 (2)〔K-〕〈英〉国王陛下政府;王国政府;王室 在现代社会,把国王本人与其作为政治或法律上人格的政府机构象征的含义逐步区分开来,在指国王陛下政府时,更常用「the Crown」。在民事诉讼中,如果君主作为一方当事人,一般会使用「the King」或「the Queen」,而简写形式「R.」(代表Rex或Regina)也常用于案件,特别是刑事案件中,如R.v. Baker。 (3)〔K-〕〈英〉英王 英王或女王〔Queen〕是被授予王国最高行政权〔supreme executive power〕的个人。King用于男性,Queen用于女性。在国内事务中,君主〔Sovereign〕是最高立法权的组成部分,理论上他(她)可以否决任何新制订的法律,除非由法律特别规定,此项权力不受任何立法的限制;英王(女王)被视为王国三军的最高统师,可以招募军队,筹建舰队等;英王(女王)是正义的源泉,和平的守卫者,有权设立法院、起诉犯罪分子、赦免罪犯等;英王(女王)也是英格兰国教会〔Church of England〕的领袖,有权任命主教等教职,并有权对宗教事务的申诉进行审理。在现代,当论及作为政治机构行使公共职能的英王时,更常用王权〔Crown〕而不用英王〔King〕,这种用法的最大便利之处在于可以避免与独体法人〔corporation sole〕有关的一切语言在使用中所产生的困难,即难以完全将作为政治机构的英王与作为私人的英王区分开来。 (→queen)