
serjeanty (sahr-j[schwa]n-tee). Hist. A feudal lay tenure requiring some form of personal service to the king. • The required service was not necessarily military. Many household officers of the Crown, even those as humble as bakers and cooks, held lands in serjeanty. — Also spelled sergeanty.

— Also termed sergeantry.

grand serjeanty. Hist. Serjeanty requiring the tenant to perform a service relating to the country’s defense. • The required service could be as great as fielding an army or as small as providing a fully equipped knight. Sometimes the service was ceremonial or honorary, such as carrying the king’s banner or serving as an officer at the coronation.

petit serjeanty (pet-ee). Hist. Serjeanty requiring only a minor service of small value, usu. with military symbolism. • Examples include presenting an arrow or an unstrung bow to the king.

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