1. A thread or wire that holds (esp. legal) papers together to form a file. • This was the ancient method of filing legal papers.
2. An imaginary thread or line passing through the middle of a stream or road.
— Also termed (in sense 1) filacium.
filum aquae (fI-l[schwa]m ay-kwee). [Latin “thread of water”] A line of water; the middle line of a stream of water, supposedly dividing it into two equal parts and usu. constituting the boundary between the riparian owners on each side.
— Also termed medium filum. [Cases: Boundaries 12. C.J.S. Boundaries § 25.]
filum forestae (fI-l[schwa]m for-[schwa]-stee). [Latin] The border of a forest.
filum viae (fI-l[schwa]m vI-ee). [Latin]
1. The middle line of a road.
2. The boundary between landowners on each side of a road. [Cases: Boundaries 19. C.J.S. Boundaries § 33.]
medium filum. See filum aquae.