
juror (joor-[schwa]r alsojoor-or). A person serving on a jury panel. — Also formerly termed layperson; juryman; jurator.

grand juror. A person serving on a grand jury.

petit juror (pet-ee). A trial juror, as opposed to a grand juror.

presiding juror. The juror who chairs the jury during deliberations and speaks for the jury in court by announcing the verdict. • The presiding juror is usu. elected by the jury at the start of deliberations.

— Also termed foreman; foreperson; (in Scots law) jury chancellor. [Cases: Jury 147. C.J.S. Juries § 495.]

stealth juror. A juror who hides a potentially disqualifying bias or conflict of interest in order to serve on a jury. • A stealth juror may want to influence the outcome of the trial or may plan to reap a financial benefit from having inside access to the jury deliberations, esp. by writing a book about a high-profile trial.

tales-juror (tay-leez- ortaylz-joor-[schwa]r). See TALESMAN.

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